In this time period, the Japanese peasant class fought for nationalistic movements. Mao Zedong, a rising leader of the Chinese Communist Party (Doc. 1), talks about the peasant movement in central China. He says that no one will be able to stop them until they get want they want. Mao would make a statement like this because he had the ability …show more content…
A conversation occurs between a teenage peasant and his grandfather talk about the peasant movement (Doc. 2). The teenager says how he was being benefited from communism. He is first hand experiencing the movement by talking about the advantages he has had. William Hinton, Us born member of a Chinese Communist land reform task force talks about the peasant movements against their landlords (Doc. 6). He says that no one can prevent this from happening. Hinton was involved in the land peasant task force and he was around during the movement. Each of these documents helps prove that the Japanese nationalistic movements grew in this period.
Peasants gain social equality during the period of 1925 to 1950, in Japan. Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China (Doc. 7) talk about how women gained marriage rights and peasants in general got many protection rights. This Republic stated this because the