Lord Of The Flies Political Analysis

Improved Essays
Lord of the Flies: A Political Game

Politics plays a role in maintaining law and order within our society. Depending on a nation's political ideologies, they will have different stances on certain policies. When countries with different ideologies meet, the meeting can potentially be horrendous, as their different stances may cause conflicts which lead to war. Examples of two ideologies that are extremely different are totalitarianism and liberal democracy. In a totalitarian government, the people will find themselves serving the government to the extreme, with little autonomy, whereas in a liberal democratic government, the people will find themselves with a lot more rights and freedoms. These two political ideologies are complete opposites, and often times, result in a war between two
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Jack's communist side can also be seen quite a bit in the novel. In theory, communism works, however due to human greed, it does not. Often times, communism ends up becoming a militaristic ideology. Firstly, Jack promised all the people on the island that they will receive lots of meat, and have lots of fun and whatnot, if they joined his newly found tribe. Unbeknownst to them, Jack actually manipulated them into joining his tribe merely so he can rule as he sees fit. This is similar to communist Russia because Joesph Stalin manipulated the communist system, and became the new ruler of Russia. One way Stalin did this is by completely removing his partners. This is a parallel to Lord of the Flies because Ralph could be seen as Jack's partner, and despite this, Jack purposely manipulated certain events so that the majority of the people on the island follow him. Furthermore, Jack attempted to completely get rid of Ralph later on in the novel, similar to how Stalin had his communist partners assassinated. One thing that makes communism and fascism so similar is their focus on militancy, and capture and cruel treatment of their prisoners.

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