I cried, I scraped up my knee, I whined and complained; I lived life. It was long and hard, it hurt a lot of the time too, but I realized how fast dying was, it came from nowhere, following no rules and paying no mind to how you might feel. It sung me a quick lullaby to sleep, and I was only lucky enough to be woken up. It’s something that has stuck with me as I have gotten older, and as I see more and more of the people I know and love die, I am reminded of my own close experience with death. I see her now as she follows, a shadow behind each person 's light and I realize just how easy dying is, and how difficult life can
I cried, I scraped up my knee, I whined and complained; I lived life. It was long and hard, it hurt a lot of the time too, but I realized how fast dying was, it came from nowhere, following no rules and paying no mind to how you might feel. It sung me a quick lullaby to sleep, and I was only lucky enough to be woken up. It’s something that has stuck with me as I have gotten older, and as I see more and more of the people I know and love die, I am reminded of my own close experience with death. I see her now as she follows, a shadow behind each person 's light and I realize just how easy dying is, and how difficult life can