Everybody know if education is very important for their life, because with education we can increase the quality of our live. Education is the process of learning, but if you want to learn more about everything you need to study. Studying is very important too, because from that we can know about everything and we can increase our knowledge. There are many people think if studying is very boring and just make sleepy. Actually, study is very fun if we can knows our type of learning style. Everyone have different styles and techinques to understand something, especially about subject for student. There are many type of learning style, such auditory learning, visual learning, and kinesthetic learning. The first style, is visual learning style. People who have visual learning style, they can understand about everything just see it, like the color, the shape, the picture or all what they can see. Actually, they can understand just read and write, but for make them remember they will make a mark in what they think that is important for them. The visual learners they will get easily for study if they study alone. The visual learners have different characteristic because they believe about what they look. When someone give them …show more content…
A kinesthetic learners is people when they learn something they will more understand if they do or practice. They like more practice then theory. Basically, a kinesthetic learners need to be actively doing something while learning. They have many strengths that can help them achieve success in the classroom if the teacher can focus their attention appropriartely. They great hand-eye coordination, quick reactions, excellent experiment, and all about practice. Beside that they have waekness because they have a hard time learning during sedentary things like lectures because the body does not make active. They need mush time to get up and move to put something into