John Lennon Transcendentalism

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Is there transcendentalism today in our world? Yes, there is tons and tons of transcendentalism today in our society. They are found mostly everywhere and we do not notice it. They can be found anywhere in general like television, music, art speeches and literature. For my project, I found a song that relates to transcendentalism. This song is very well known and it is called “Imagine” by John Lennon. The song is about obtaining peace and fighting for what you believe in. This song shows many views about transcendentalism. The main point of the song is to fight for what you believe in. In the beginning of the song, it says “Imagine there is no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us”. This line means that if there were no heaven nor hell in the world, man would be assume as good and perfectible. This relates to the first transcendentalism belief which is …show more content…
It means that can you live without the materials you used on a daily basis. For instance, majority of people need a cell phone with them twenty-four seven. It is hard to live without them but if we had none of the materialistic things, we would live peacefully. This relates to a belief which is true wealth is not monetary but based on character. Meaning that money is not about everything but who you really are is very important to others. Even today, we still want more out of technology but we should start to remind ourselves that yourself is more important than other materialistic objects.
Basically, transcendentalism is found everywhere. You may not see it but once you have an understanding of what nature is, you will start to realize it. The song “Imagine” by John Lennon had views about transcendentalism. He wanted others to realize that you are more important and you should not follow others because you are the only one standing for your beliefs. Hopefully other people has realize the importance of

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