Amy Cuddy And Nonverbal Communication Research

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After viewing the Amy Cuddy and History channel videos I learned what I already knew from actual work experiences about nonverbal communications. Body language is the real deal, and nonverbal communication sometimes can reveal much more than the words people say. I come to this conclusion from the twenty five years of working in law enforcement as a police officer and detective in Washington D.C Throughout my career I have interacted with every different social, economic, and intellectual level in one form or another. The one thing that every human has is common is the things they will tell you willing or not willing through nonverbal communication. Much of what I have learned over the years is supported in the two videos and three articles I referenced in this paper.

I did learn from the Amy Cuddy video how you can do certain body positions to help improve how you think about yourself. I would have had my doubts about this but she supported it with some very interesting research. Her experiment with using power poses for stressful interviews was very convincing and gave support to how nonverbal communication can influence people and give you the results you want. This same technique of power poses to get a result you want is also taught in law enforcement. It is not used to make yourself feel
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The first article is how law enforcement uses nonverbal signals and body language to determine if someone is dangerous or lying. Typically interaction with law enforcement even a casual contact can be stressful for people, even someone not doing anything wrong, but you will find the body talks. In his article the David Smith used the term “leaking” to describe the body’s nonverbal clues. I would agree with his description and that the body does “leak” clues telling you many things willingly or

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