Introduces the topic/content; provides an overview of lesson; connects to prior lessons; engages students in lesson.
On doc camera, display inference worksheet with the statement, “I can make an inference.” Ask students what does inferencing mean?” (Understand a story when they use evidence?) After students give their individual explanations, procedure to ask, “What two things do we use to make inferences?” (Clues & Schema). After they give answers, display the rest of the worksheet: Clues from Text (words & pictures) + My Schema (my knowledge) = Inference.
Explain that today we will be looking at comic strips. Ask, “Who here has seen or read a comic strip?” Ensure every child’s hand is raised, if not, proceed …show more content…
I will show them the example of the Charlie Brown and Snoopy with the dog and cat food. I will ask them “What are some clues (expressions, body language, text), schema (what do they know about the characters, owning a pet), What evidence supports your answer?” I will point out the sequences and how we read the text and boxes left to right in order for the comic strip to make sense. I will then ask the students, “What is the problem and what is the solution?” After examining the comic strip, I will ask students what they believe Snoopy is saying in the blank text circle. I will write down multiple answers below and then revile what the artist actually wrote. I will show another example of a John and Garfield comic strip and follow the same prompts, questions, and answers as the previous …show more content…
I will explain that there is blank space under each square, where students can brainstorm before they write their final dialogue in the text circles. On the board I will write the five things to include in their comic strips and what I will assess them on: 1) Clues 2) Schema 3) Sequence 4) Problem 5) Solution. Remind students that the text circles are small and they need to get all their ideas in a short amount of words. After students have completed their comic strip, come show them to me and I will hand out a piece of colored construction paper, and they will cut out their comic and glue it on the paper. When they have completed that, they will write their names and turn it into me.
For assessment on the comic strip, I will grade them on a scale under each topic:
A - Clues/Schema
B - Sequence
C - Problem Solution.
1 - Student has a complete lack of understanding of the concept. Student makes no attempt to use a strategy.
2 - Student has limited understanding of the concept. Student attempts to use strategies and show thinking skills.
3 - Student’s understanding of the concept is evident. Student uses appropriate strategies to arrive at a result and shows thinking skills to arrive at a