Prior to each patient entering the room, the team will discuss and review electronic notes, allowing the provider to make eye contact with the patient and not be buried in the computer. Each discipline will have an opportunity to speak with the patient and answer questions. After the patient leaves the room, the team will take time to document prior to the next patient entering the room. This will be done for one month.
Resources Needed The biggest resource is time. Multitasking will need to be decreased. Time will be needed to discuss how the actions are going.
Measuring the Results The PoCs will be reviewed in one month to determine if the score increased on the question, “Did the staff treat you with respect and dignity?” Additionally, the open-ended questions will be reviewed for content specific to respect.
The PDCA cycle allows for the iterative process of: a plan being made, the task to be done, checking to be determine if the change was successful, and act by continuing the change if working. Psychiatrists, nurses, and clinical social workers will implement the next action of reflective listening for one month. The results will be analyzed and the third action will be