Increase In Income Inequality

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The very essence of the American Social system is nourished of the inequality that is used as an engine of economic growth. The biggest incentive for the upper classes is to keep away from the poor. The inexorable cause is that their benefit only can grow to the extent that the exploitation of the working class takes place. This strategy is reflected on the reduction of salaries, the increase in the working day hours as well as limitation in the possibilities of labor development, what added to the increase in basic consumer goods prices generates the perfect conditions to conduct the working class to poverty.
Although some efforts to mitigate the issue, the capitalist system implanted in the United States and in many countries of the world
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The increase in income inequality, also affects the political life. The richest people are capable of controlling the political process through the financing of parties with which they benefit disproportionately because they assure their indirect participation in the power. So model in general favors classes economically more privileged and is detrimental to those who are in poverty. Not for nothing the United States is the most highly stratified society in the industrialized world ( Mantsios …show more content…
In many ways the idea that individuals such blacks and Latinos deserve different treatment (on a negative way) is instilled in a segment of American society. For generations some Americans has conveyed the message that a person with dark skin can be subjected to the worst working conditions or that certain jobs are so undesirable that only Hispanics or African Americans can occupied them like if they were "inferior being". But the differences are not just in a poverty level, middle and middle or upper and upper can be compared and the patrons are the same. Even upper middle class black and Latinos who have good incomes, high occupational status and college degrees still on average have a 1/3 to 1/5 on the net comparable with the income that white folks receive (Wise

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