Energy has become a strategic …show more content…
This is the context in which energy security has become a very important matter on the security policy agenda of governments around the world, and the term “energy security” crept slowly, but surely, in the energy lexicon. The limited discourse about the nature or its fundamental assumptions was totally eclipsed by a focus overwhelmingly won by securing primary energy sources and their geopolitics. An examination of this concept leads to the conclusion that the concept of energy security is one that can produce polysemous sideslips due to its nature, capable of holding several dimensions and characteristics due to a country (or continent), or the period of time or energy sources upon which is applied. These slippages can occur because every definition of energy security has analysis, prediction and policies difficulties, but if recognized and clarified these definitions, new levels of understanding will enrich the political debate being possible the overcome of all obstacles affecting the nature of energy security which is constantly developing and