When I was in high school my sister and I founded D-Trova with the two objectives in mind. First, encourage Latinos to engage in the political process by registering them to vote. Second, organized fundraising event to help poor families in Ecuador by providing them with food and clothes. However, as I went to the transition process from high school to community college and then to a four-year institution, I also began to help low-income students in their transition to college by providing information and assistance in the college application process. As a first-generation …show more content…
1750 characters
As a graduate student, I would like to conduct research on the disparities between the objectives of education policies and the actual outcomes of such policies in developing nations. The region of focus for my investigation would be Latin America. This research will allow me to identify the possible errors in the implementation process, or inadequacies of the policies to address issues in education. The knowledge gain will allowed me to make policy recommendations or design education policy that are more pragmatic to the condition of developing nations.
Please identify any special circumstances for consideration that pertain to your application for scholarship (i.e. special family needs or responsibilities, unemployment, extreme job demands/time commitments, unexpected financial loss, and/or any other unusual recurring expenses or related burdens). 1750 …show more content…
Please detail in the box here how, if any, of the above apply to you. 1750characters
I was born in Ecuador. I move to the United States at the age of eight and I have lived in Plainfield New Jersey ever since then. My parents did not graduate high school, but they understood the importance of education. When I was a little girl, they would tell me that I have to go to college so that I may have a better life. Thus, I was very adamant about my decisions of earning a Bachelor’s Degree. However, as a low-income student, the financial constraints of my family led to me attend community college after high school. I graduated with an Associates Degree in Business Administration and with the help of a scholarship I was able to successfully transfer to New York University. On May 2016, I will become the first one in my family to graduate