Since Day one, cloning has been tagged with playing the role of “GOD”, and when that happens, first questions rushed to all our minds are; how Ethical/ Unethical would that be? And how safe is it for all the parties involved? Is it moral? Legal? What harms might be inflicted …show more content…
Deep inside her she knows it’s time to let go. She can’t, she is a mother after all. Someone suggested cloning, she knows it’s not going to be the same son, not the same memories, not same attitude nor same behavior. She knows he is not going to be the same son she loves but He is going to look like him, give or take few pounds, maybe even sound like him. To me, this sounds like the best scenario a pro-cloning can present to win his case, but is it??
From what we know, Religion from day one, stood very clearly against cloning other humans, it seen the whole process as unnatural selection,, nothing like it has been witnessed in nature, it seen it as a great offense against GOD, the human dignity and equality. Are they right? Or is science is just advancing faster than we are able to keep up?
Cloning as a topic, is still raising questions faster than anyone can answer them. When we take a try at addressing one aspect, a new one comes up. Only the future can answer these questions, and what is the future hiding? No one knows, are we going to put an end to our diversity with all it has to offer and only allow certain genes to