One of the most common diseases that was spread was smallpox. These kinds of diseases spread so fast, that sometimes Europeans had caught diseases from the Native Americans without even coming in contact with them and vice versa with the Native Americans. You know that saying about trying to find a positive in every negative thing? Well, I look at it this way, with these diseases being spread, I feel like more that people know about them, the better chance there will be that someone can find a cure for it. These diseases ended up killing a large portion of the population throughout the world which lead to more problems such as slavery. In the Americas, the germs killed off nearly 90 percent of the native people so. Slavery in America played a huge role in the culture back then. It was socially acceptable to have slaves back then but if you look at the world today, you would be a looked at much
One of the most common diseases that was spread was smallpox. These kinds of diseases spread so fast, that sometimes Europeans had caught diseases from the Native Americans without even coming in contact with them and vice versa with the Native Americans. You know that saying about trying to find a positive in every negative thing? Well, I look at it this way, with these diseases being spread, I feel like more that people know about them, the better chance there will be that someone can find a cure for it. These diseases ended up killing a large portion of the population throughout the world which lead to more problems such as slavery. In the Americas, the germs killed off nearly 90 percent of the native people so. Slavery in America played a huge role in the culture back then. It was socially acceptable to have slaves back then but if you look at the world today, you would be a looked at much