How Did Martin Luther King Impact Society

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Martin Luther King Would Impact Today’s Society Greatly Martin Luther King Jr. said “Let us all hope that …in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.” With today's political and social climate, Dr. Martin Luther King would be the most successful in persuading our society beliefs, laws, and ethics. Rather than Patrick Henry because he uses appeal to emotion, appeal to reason, and a respectful tone. These would make an impact on today’s society because we are a very empathetic and intellectual species. To begin, Dr. King uses appeal to emotion in ‘ The Letter from Birmingham Jail’ as shown here “I am in Birmingham because …show more content…
“We have waited for more than three hundred and forty years for our God-given and constitutional rights. The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet like speed toward the goal of political independence, and we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward the gaining of a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. I guess it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say ‘wait.’ " In other words, Dr. King is using appeal to reason to open the eyes of his audience, that just waiting will not get them anywhere. By comparing other nations accomplishments of political independence from America’s in a calm and collective manner; Using this tactic you can see how easy it would be for Dr. King to connect with today’s society, because we like to see the statistics and facts of thing before we act and since Dr. King is saying this in a collectively heated way it would be easy for us to listen to what he said. Verses Patrick Henry yelling at us to do something, which we would not respond well to. In brief summery Dr. King would make an good impact on today’s society with his use of appeal to reason. Although this is not the last rhetoric Dr. King used powerfully and effectively, he also used a respectful tone while talking to his perspective

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