Mindfulness toward the power …show more content…
Unfortunately, not all Americans have the same amount of access to foods that would enable them to enact a healthier lifestyle. Scholarly research has shown that low-income neighborhoods offer greater access to food sources that promote unhealthy eating, like fast food restaurants and convenience stores (Hilmers et al., 2012). When the only options available for feeding an individual’s family are unhealthy ones, it is no wonder that there is such a clear link between poverty and obesity. According to scholar James Levine, “43% of households with incomes below the poverty line are food insecure”, meaning that they are uncertain of having or unable to acquire sufficient food, due to either a lack of money or psychosocial reasons such as drug addiction or mental illness (2011). When an individual is faced with the reality of whether or not he or she will get the opportunity to eat anything at all, it is clear that selectivity in regard to whether or not the food consumed is nutritious is not