There is a technological disparity between different countries and civilizations because of what their geography and what type of climate they have. The climate and natural resources determine how the civilization developed.
The Europeans geography controlled their agriculture giving them abundant crops, the ability to domesticate animals to increase productive development, immunity to deadly germs as a result of their exposure to their animals, and the ability to make steel which then led to decimation to other civilizations.
Geographic location has a big effect on a civilations development and plant-lives ability to produce and thrive. If you were to plant crops in an area with only one season like, Papua New Guinea for example that is closer to the equator and inside the tropic, you would end up with a dead crop because of Papuas wet and rainy climate the only “consistent” food source is a tree called Sago, unfortunately for the New Guineans, Sago takes days to prepare and has little nutritional value,but due to their climate they can't go other crops. Unlike the Fertile Crescent that has four seasons which is not in tropics and at a distanced from the equator which gave them a variety a variety and abundance of crops like wheat and barley that are high in protein and easy to harvest. The Fertile Crescent developed further because civilizations didn't have to travel and relocate for food they had more time and then that led to the domestication of animals. If a civilization had a stable food supply this means that they could then feed livestock, depending on a civilization geographic location like Eurasia which had native animals like horses, cows,sheep and goats that they then domesticated unlike Papua New Guinea which did not have a stable food supply which meant no further evolution, sometimes climate wasn't the issue places like Africa that are made up of mainly predators humans couldn't domesticate because of their nasty dispositions. The ability to domesticate animals is a big advantage, animals give us power,food ,fertilizer, and transportation the Europeans and the Spanish exploded when the …show more content…
Areas like the Fertile Crescent developed steel first because they had a semi-arid climate, ore deposits, carbon, and metal specialist these were the requirements to create steel, other places like Africa, Incas, and the New Guineans had some other these properties but not all. Africa had the iron and carbon but didn't had a stable enough food supply for specialist because they were forced to spend all their time hunting and gathering for food, the same scenario happened with the New Guineans they had the ore and carbon but not the semi-arid climate to burn the long fires or a stable food supply which led to no specialists. Lastly the Incas did not have iron deposits they had gold and tho they made gold weapons gold is much weaker than steel so in battle the Inca gold swords would perish. The development of civilization depends on the agriculture, domestication of animal, germs, and steel. Each region of the world has different civilizations based on the natural resources of the area. The people of each area learned to prosper by what the land had given them. Each natural resource defined the evolution of the