Tame A Wild Tongue Chicano Language

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When anyone comes into the United States to make a new life they have to assimilate in order to progress their life here. One way is to learn the English language, but with that sometimes their own language is lost, along with their culture and their true identity. In Gloria Anzaldua, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”, she explains how the Anglo attacks her language and violates the First Amendment, which made way for a new language to form along with a new identity.
In the beginning she gives a scene where she is at the dentist and they are trying to “tame her wild tongue” and explains how speaking Spanish at recess could get her “three licks on the knuckles with a sharp ruler” (Anzaldua 2947). She later evaluates the different languages the Chicano speaks and where they use them. She goes into more
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The first Amendment gives every U.S citizen freedom of religion, freedom of the press, right to assembly, right to petition, and freedom of speech. When people attack her language they violate her freedom of speech. She would get hit with a ruler for speaking Spanish at recess and sometimes she would not use her Chicano language because of how people would think of her. This causes her to silence herself at times where she could speak her mind with ease and cause a fear of how to speak and when to speak, a violation of the first Amendment. It is like seeing a person on the street with weapon and them coming at you for a question, that situation causes people to be on edge with their words. Even though it could be a struggle speaking the language she should embrace the language, use it more. It shows who she truly is, the border of the two countries, two different cultures fused into one, the perfect combination. This personality shows that she does not go for one side or the other, but that she is the complete circle of the two, and her language is a clear example of

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