Germany Or Deutschland: The Federal Republic Of Germany

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Germany’s official country name is The Federal Republic of Germany, but it is commonly referred to as Germany or Deutschland. Located in Central Europe. Germany is a country who borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea; it is nestled between the Netherlands and Poland, south of Denmark. At 357,022 sq. km, Germany, is the sixty-third largest country in the world; according to the website it is “three times the size of Pennsylvania; slightly smaller than Montana.” The population of Germany is 80,722,792 and is the nineteenth most populated country in the world, but “most populous country in Europe.” The capitol of Germany is Berlin. In the more Northern part of Germany it borders the English Channel. The terrain in the north is lowlands, …show more content…
The Chief of State is President Joachim Gauck and the Head of Government is Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to the OECD, the unemployment rate in Germany is currently sitting at 44%, with an Employment rate at 74.5% at the working age. Women in the workforce has become increasingly higher, along with changes in the wage gap in Germany. In 2015, the GPD of Germany was at $47,221 (US Dollars), and the GDP forecast shows an annual growth rate at 1.71%. The Government costs of production are at 22.5 % of the GDP, and the General Government deficit is 0.69% of the GDP. Also 46.8% of the GDP is trades, goods, and services. The NET National Income is $39,908 US dollars per capita. The CLI of Germany is at 99.91. The tax on corporate profits in Germany is 1.5% of the GDP. Social Spending in Germany is 25.3% of the GDP. (All facts and figures in the above paragraph are from United States Central Intelligence Agency and the Organization for Economic Co-Operation & …show more content…
In German culture they pride themselves on being organized in their business and personal lives. Germany is also a Reserved Culture, so Germans are more comfortable with silences and minimal overlapping conversations. Germans like to keep their work and personal lives are separate from each other, so if you are invited to a dinner at a colleague’s house, leave the work for the office. When you do arrive at someone’s house bring a little gift such as flower or chocolate, and expect the gifts to be opened right away. Being that Germany falls on the monochronic side of the spectrum, punctuality is key. According to Passport for Trade, “Punctuality is very important in Germany, so make sure that you arrive on time and ready to start. Being early could be considered as much of a misstep as being late, as it shows poor

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