Examples Of Space Discovery And Exploration

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Space discovery and exploration There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe, this statement belongs to University of California at Santa Barbara Science Line. In other words, there are so many planets that, theoretically, it would be possible to count them but because to their number this task seems more like impassible. That is a big intrigue; presumably, in the universe can be uncountable number of planets similar to our planet in many ways, such as natural resources, pure water, appropriate temperature, and the others features. Otherwise, humanity has a marvelous blue planet, Earth, so why it is important and trillions of dollars, as well as lots of effort have been spent on space discovery and the exploration …show more content…
The world population forecast is shows not only approximately over 10 billion people going to be on the Earth after the 2050 but also the most crowded places on Earth. In order that, it would be needed bigger amount of food, water, living space, non-renewable resources such as fuel or coal. Therefore, increased pollution released into the air, more waste would be produced, stronger impact caused for the global warming, and the others debatable issues. After all, it is easy to imagine this disastrous picture. On the other hand, The New Your Times article “The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion” bombed idea of predetermined population problem with different facts, opposing concerns about the growing population problem. Briefly, there is enough food and clear water would be produced for everyone because of nowadays existing technical solutions and there is nothing to worry about; people able to conduct efficiently with the great …show more content…
Today, a lot of the news on TV is about wars on the planet. Dozens local conflicts are taking place right now and it has always been like that all throughout human history. Hopefully, the space expansion will replace this matter in many ways. Have a different ideology, move to a whole new world, religious conflicts, resources, territory, and any other reasons, there are unknown number of planet to go to create a world without misunderstanding. Nonetheless, the entire weapon created through all history and numerous conflicts would be very helpful for first planet occupants. I believe, there are many proponents to idea use the weapon for colonist safety, not for against each

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