Numerous ethical principles, such as religious injunctions, personal virtue, and distributive justice prove that keeping our manager will positively affect our reputation, productivity, and overall bottom line of sales for SkyHawks. The ethical philosophy that our team at SkyHawks believes in is what should manage and guide our employees. This can affect their morale and loyalty, along with our customers in the community. We are dedicated to conducting our business with the highest standards of business ethics. Going against our ethical principles and firing one of our full-time managers damages our obligation to our multiple corporate stakeholders. The ethical principle of religious injunctions supports our plan of not firing our manager. According to the principle of religious injunctions, you should never take an action that is unkind or that harms a sense of community, such as the positive feelings that come from working together to accomplish a commonly accepted goal, (Williams 4-3). This action would be unkind and harm our chances of building a community. It also hurt the feelings of the managers who worked together during the economic …show more content…
Ph.D. professors Edward Stern, Dan Worrell and Jean Stead wrote in the Journal of Business Ethics that, “Managers cannot expect ethical behavior from employees if they do not behave ethically themselves. Managers are the most significant role models in the organizational setting; thus they have a major socializing influence on lower level employees” (p. 238). This quote proves that having strong ethics can benefit our customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction, and that starts by positively reinforcing our ethical behaviors as leaders to our workers. This is what it takes to create the ethical climate that we must strive