In planning this social studies unit, we are able to relate history and geography to the daily lives’ of our students. Students are able to understand why people migrated the United States and the impact that migrants can have on our country. When they are able to share what they learned with their parents, possibly sparking an interest about the student’s origin and why their family came over from the United States. Students will also be able to see how the immigrants contributed to …show more content…
I think it all works together very well and builds off each other. I would use everything we have for my future classroom. However, I love to maybe talk about Ellis Island, just because it is an interesting topic and I could show students real pictures about the place. I am most proud of the summative assessment that I created for the project. I like the use of a timeline because it helps students visualize the progression of history. They can also see what significant events were happening at the same time. For example, students can see what Albert Einstein accomplished while being persecuted for being a Jew. It helps reinforce the messages that students can overcome