I began learning about peaceful protest in the second grade. We started with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his protest against segregation against African-American people. I didn’t understand how monumental the march led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was and how vulnerable he made himself. I remember wondering why so many people could just walk …show more content…
This book was written by Mirach White, the co-created of Occupy Wall Street, a protest beginning in late 2011 that eventually spread throughout the world. On his book, White explores the reasoning behind why he believes that protest are ineffective and pointless towards the matter that needs attention. I find it interesting that the a co-founder of a world wide protest, believes that they are no longer have the same effect as they used to have just a few years ago. Therefore, I find his take on the matter of whether protesting is a meaningful matter or not reliable because of his experience with