895). In early childhood specifically, the interaction between parent and child helps determine how the child learns to navigate their environment competently and independently. It is most effective when the parent is warm, available for assistance when needed, and supportive.
Parents’ Support and Links to Children’s Socioemotional Orientation and Peer Relationships Clark & Ladd (2000) conducted a similar studied analyzing the relationship between children and their parents to their social skills in the classroom. It was found that children with strong parent-child relationships were more social, had more friendships, and got along better with peers compared to _______________. It is important for parents to be responsive to child’s opinions, feelings, and perspectives.
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Practical Applications
As children get older, they gain more autonomy and select more aspects of their environment that fit their temperament and abilities. Adolescents are more likely to explore identity options if they have at least one parent who encourages in them both a sense of connection with the parent and a striving for autonomy and individuality (textbook, 445). Children gain more autonomy as they get older, and eventually become adolescents. It is in adolescence that they have more control of their choice of environment, and whom they associate with. Social scaffolding is a process in which competent people provide a temporary framework that supports children’s thinking at a higher level than children could manage on their own, p. 161 textbook).
Independence and choices
• Autonomy: self-rule and is applied to actions that are initiated and regulated by the self; it is thus highly related to the notion of intrinsic