Quietly nestling on her hip and not noticeable at first glance is her matching blue linoleum gun in its similar holster. This returns to Lisa Brice’s theme of domestic security. She must protects the hearth and …show more content…
The viewer is confronted by the Sex Kittens, nine of them, lined up on the walls and crawling forward. A sardonic play between form and content pulls no punches: the come-on seductiveness of the pose is completely contradicted by the messages given off by a reading of the surface imagery. The Art works all reflect her thoughts upon the matter. Brice uses a variety of materials to create her art pieces. These are laser copy, plastic, reflective vinyl, metal, wood and acrylic paint. They are layered to give a 3D and textured effect. The basic piece is cut and repeated in shape to connect the works as a series and to give continuity. I have chosen four of the art works which I feel explore these themes the