Deuteronomic Code Analysis

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The content and interpretations of the Deuteronomic Code, on the other hand, stray much father away from uniformity than the Decalogue, arguably narrating a broader set of moral and legal obligations of the Israelites. Its reassertion of the Commandments further enforces the aforementioned covenant relationship between God and the Israelites, which introducing a concrete set of civil laws; of which, are a standard for governing society. The similarities are striking, and in many cases, intersecting in respect to content. Clear from the first passage introducing the Decalogue, it is asserted that God stands as the only power to lay and enforce law and judgment – at least within the bounds of His prescribed orders (Exodus 20:2-3). The justification …show more content…
It is difficult to assert that the morality of the Israelites is so corrupt and stripped that they need a reminder of God’s divine judgment. Erisman argues that this is simply a symbolic marker of a new chapter in the story of the Israelites, as “implicit in the setting is an image of the promised land… (769).” However, this reaffirmation of the basis for the Decalogue, and the subsequent expansion found throughout the Deuteronomic Code, may be a subtle hint towards the universality of the Code. In introduction of Moses’ speech in Deuteronomy, he proclaims, “Hear, O Israel, the laws and rules that I proclaim to you this day […] The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb […] with us, the living, every one of us who is here today (Deuteronomy 5: 1-4).” With this in mind, it becomes clear that the Commandment’s repetition as a subsection of the Deuteronomic Code becomes a reminder of the timelessness of the former. Although societies may develop and change in structure, the laws that God has set forth are concrete and unchangeable against the effects of time. Despite a new chapter marked by the Israelites coming towards the Promised Land, the Deuteronomic Code acts as reinforcing text to the Decalogue’s universality. Thus, this portion of the Deuteronomic Code promotes a synonymizing sentiment to that of the Decalogue: Justice is, to the extent of morality and livelihood, judged by God and His divine …show more content…
No more is the government of livelihood wholly in the hands of God, but rather within the grasp of human judgment. Although it may appear as if Jewish law is seemingly diverging from the universality of God’s rule, it is imperative to consider that the judgment of the Levitical priests is chiefly reflective of God’s teachings ("The Levitical Priests; a Contribution to the Criticism of the Pentateuch," 239). Of course, wounds of subjectivity are present, but are ultimately an attempt to hold true the word of God. Thus, it is apparent that while the Decalogue attempts to approach law and justice as a matter exclusively in the hands of God, the Deuteronomic Code appreciates the intricacies of civil law, stressing the need to reflect God’s judgments within the changing lives of the Israelites. Justice, in this sense, becomes an interpretation of the Commandments, rather than exclusively the object texts in

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