Detergent Pollution Lab

Great Essays
The Impact of Detergent Pollution on Viola Reichenbachiana


Research Question: How do the effects of standard detergents versus eco- friendly detergents affect the growth of violets?

Pollution is a problem that has occurred over the years that is affecting the environment and human health. It is often looked over because people do not pay attention to how we as humans are constantly hurting the environment.Air pollution is a major problem that has been troubling China for many years. According to, 80 percent of China's electricity comes from coal, which means there are being coal factory plants are being built. On top of the soot being admitted into the air; it does not help when cars are exhausting fuel into the air. This traps all of these horrible toxins in the air; therefore it makes it harder to breath. Little kids are contracting asthma, and are dying from breathing in the smog. A second major form of pollution is seen in water. Toxic wastes and trash
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Violets were used for this experiment because they are easy to recognize and are inexpensive. To study the effects of detergent pollution, six pots of 3.5 inch violet plants that will split into groups of three. The first group will have two pots that are specifically designated to the solution that is sprayed with standard detergent mixed with water. The second group will have another two pots violets and will be sprayed with plain water. Lastly the third group will have the last two pots of violets and will be sprayed with the eco-friendly detergent mixed with water. Each pot will contain Miracle Grow Fertilizer. To make the solutions, I will use about two cups of detergent and 8 cups of water for dilution. The plants will be set outside in the sun, and will be sprayed every two days to retain moisture around

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