1. What are several possible reasons why educators have found it difficult to translate research on expertise into educational practice?
According to Alexander, the first problem she identifies is the fact that the research was done observing experts/novice in different aspects of life such as work, and it is very difficult to translate the observations and learnings into the school system and teaching in particular. Another issue is the dynamic, multicultural, multifaceted nature of traditional schooling system, where the expert’s findings are difficult to relate and incorporate. 2. What are the three main components that play a role in the journey toward expertise in academic domains? Describe each of these components. (Pay attention to the details) The three main components in the process of achieving expertise are knowledge, strategic processing and interest. Knowledge can be separated in two categories – domain (general knowledge about particular field), and topic knowledge (the detailed knowledge about a specific subject from the particular field) Strategic processing also can be grouped in two categories: surface-level and deep -processing. Surface level is the basic understanding of a text (comprehension), where deep processing strategies involve deeper cognitive processes such as judging credibility and forming mental representation. Interest is also divided in two segments – individual and situational interest. Individual interest is the initial interest a person has towards an object or subject (me and Knights Templars). As Alexanders says “It is the enduring interests the students bring into any learning environment.” Situational interest is related to the place and time and is transient or spontaneous. 3. How are the components interrelated? Can you generate a few examples? All three elements of expertise are influencing one another at all stages of expertise but differently at each stage. For example I have some (surface-level) knowledge about history (domain specific). While I study basic history, I come across the story of the …show more content…
Describe the acclimation stage of expertise development.
Acclimation is he beginning phase in the process of expertise, where the learners have limited knowledge about the particular domain and topic. In this stage the learner is focused on knowledge acquisition and are unable to differentiate the accuracy or relevance of the information. In this phase it is important to stimulate the learner’s situational interest in order to maintain their focus motivate performance.
5. Describe the competence stage of expertise development.
Competence stage of expertise development is where the qualitative and quantitative changes in the individual’s knowledge occur. The deep-processing strategies are predominant and the individual interest is high. In this stage individuals demonstrate significant amount of domain knowledge, structured and well organized.
6. Describe the proficiency (expertise) stage of expertise development.
In this stage the individuals can contribute new knowledge back to the domain. They have to be well versed in the problems and methodologies of the chosen domain, and challenging their own knowledge by asking more questions. At his level of proficiency the strategies are almost exclusively of the deep- processing type. The interest is solidified and does not depend on situation or