“Come to think of it, there was a man dressed in black with a leather jacket that passed with a suitcase like that. He had leather boots on too. It did seem ---”
I cut him off right there.
“Thanks,” I dashed off, without giving him a chance to say anymore.
Using my less than superior logic, I dashed to terminal C. If my cousin was to pick me up, than she would pick me up there. That means that the perpetrator would have to be picked up there as well.
As I passed through the exit to the terminal, my head was down in shame. Disappointment flooded my senses like a tsunami.
As I was nearing the end of my walk of shame, my eyes passed over what seemed like an infinite amount of shoes. But one caught my eyes. They were a pair of Timberland hiking boots, probably leather.
When I saw these, my eyes traveled up the man’s clothing. A bowler hat, leather jacket, and tight black pants.
Then he noticed me looking at him, and he turned to do the same.
After what was the longest two seconds of my life, he started walking towards me. I froze in place, unable to move in the slightest. When he spoke, I shivered with fear. I felt the insatiable urge to yell “Stranger Danger!”.
Luckily, I kept it under control. His eyes searched through my soul, reading me like a