Snail Production In Nature Lab Report

Improved Essays

Most people are familiar with the process of the metabolism, but for those who are not, metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions that occur in a living organism. Most people recognize it by how fast they burn off food to create energy. Some people have a fast metabolic rate, others have a much slower energy rate. Today, we are going to measure the metabolic rates of 6 different organisms and situations to test who has a higher metabolic rate than the other. We will test this by seeing how much carbon dioxide is produced in these different situations and compare them to each other.
During today 's experiment, we want to see the affect certain environments, as well as different organisms produce carbon dioxide. The first thing that we will be comparing is the difference between a snail and a crayfish. We want to see which organism will produce more carbon dioxide than the other. I believe that the crayfish will produce more carbon dioxide than the snail simply because of size and activity. Typically, crayfish are larger than snails and more active,
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We wanted to see what the difference in carbon dioxide production would be and which one produced more. My hypothesis was that the beaker with both the crayfish and the sprig of Elodea will produce more carbon dioxide simply because each organism will be producing carbon dioxide. Our results showed that the organisms that also had the sprig of Elodea in the beaker, produced less carbon dioxide than the organism that was by itself. Again, this could be for a number of reasons. One of which could have been the health of the Elodea sprig, as well as the Parafilm seal. If each of these were faulty, then we would see a discrepancy in our

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