God is seen as relating to this particular people through the male leadership of this people” (Ruether 208), it is also seen as he created a living world he took profound pleaser in this world of creation. There is many testimonies like Psalm 29 and 65 that Ruether has used by shows us that God is found in spheres of nature under human cultivation, that is when humans started to seek benefits from nature. “One of the major fruits of this Hebraic understanding of the covenantal relationship between justice and prosperity in the land is found in sabbatical legislation. This legislation describes a series of concentric cycles, the seven day cycle, the seven-year cycle, and the seven-time-seven-year cycle or Jubilee” (Ruether 211). As we have learned from other chapters the seven day cycle had a day of rest for the land, animals, and humans on the seventh day; this day is so that the would could restored, in deeper, and more thoroughgoing ways, culminating in a periodic permanent …show more content…
Many thought that the idea of natural rights might be expanded to include the right of nature. There has been moments that has begun to ask whether being other than human might have civil rights. There has been environmentalists and animals right activists have operated on the different ethical perspectives, and what caused flicts between them. There is many horror that is felt when abuse of such animals on farms or in laboratories draw on the emotive bonding to the pet. Interrelationship to pets should not be just given to the animals that live with a person, they should be given to all animals. “Environmental ethicist,by contrast, are concerned with the health of biotic communities and the maximization of diversity of species within their habitats. Hence they are more concern are about the life of the 2 millionth deer in a park where deer are overrunning the carrying capacity of their habitat” (Ruether 221). If we let animals be it is suggested that we would return to a simpler world, where humans power over the rest of life was limited and most animals would live a free life. Some people guilty about eating animals, this is expressed in the biblical tradition that, in the original creation, both humans and animals were vegetarians. “ Each life form has it own purpose, its own right