Atmospheric Pressure Lab Report

Improved Essays
Each experiment yielded its own unique set of observations, calculations and results. The first experiment studied the relationship between volume and pressure, while keeping the amount of the gas sample and temperature constant. Table 1 shows the atmospheric pressure recorded during the experiment.
Atmospheric Pressure (mm Hg)
644.0 mm Hg
Table 1. Atmospheric pressure was recorded using barometer in lab next door.
This atmospheric pressure is of the lab next door, and is not the atmospheric pressure in which the experiment took place. Possible errors from this assumption will be discussed further in the Conclusions section on page 17. Table 2 represents the data values observed and recorded during the experiment.
Volume (mL) Added weight
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By examining Figure 4, we can see the relationship between density and molar mass to be a proportional relationship. The positive slope of the scatter plot confirms this relationship. This means that as molar mass of is greater, the density of the gas will also be greater, and if the molar mass of a gas is smaller, the density of the gas will be smaller. For example, hydrogen gas will have a lower density than nitrogen gas because hydrogen has a smaller molar mass than nitrogen.
In conclusion, the relationships between volume, temperature, pressure and amount of a given gas sample can be summarized by the following equation:
Pressure × Volume=Amount of gas ×
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The first assumption made was that the pressure of the lab next door in which the atmospheric pressure was taken was exactly the same as the lab in which the experiment was actually conducted. There could be a pressure difference between the two labs and this could in turn change the values of the data. There was also a variety of data that was provided or given. For example, the diameter of the syringe plunger was given to be 0.90 inches and this could actually not be the true value of the diameter of the syringe plunger. Another example of given data is the atomic masses provided by periodic tables that was used to calculate molar mass in experiment 2 and 4. Periodic tables vary in atomic mass slightly and this slight difference of atomic mass of elements could in turn change the value of calculated molar masses in experiments 2 and 4. Lastly, the molar mass of air was given to be 28.8 grams per mole and this could in fact be different from the true air mixture of the lab in which the experiment was conducted. A variety of conversion factors were utilized to calculate data and similar to periodic tables, most conversion factors vary slightly and this could affect data values. We utilized conversion factors in experiment 1 for converting pounds per square inch to atmosphere and millimeters of mercury to atmospheres. Depending on what conversion factor

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