Or maybe, they had confidence in groups of three of Gods who headed up a council of different Gods. At the end of the day, while the tenet of the Trinity shows that ONE GOD is involved in three co-equal and co-eternal, the Babylonians and Assyrians trusted that the three separate Gods formed a superior leadership over other gods. In this, their convictions all the more nearly look like the polytheistic/henotheistic convictions of the Jehovah 's Witnesses and Mormons. Mormon principle holds that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate Gods in authority over this world. Jehovah 's Witnesses trust that Jehovah God made Jesus – a lesser god, and that the Holy Spirit is essentially Jehovah 's dynamic drive in this world. These convictions are nearer to the old pagan convictions than is the Trinity doctrine, which is entirely monotheistic. Similitudes don 't bestow blame. Thusly, comparable pagan doctrines in triads of Gods are not the same as the Trinitarian principle of Christianity, and it is outlandish to accept that the Trinity was "acquired" from paganism. It 's just not
Or maybe, they had confidence in groups of three of Gods who headed up a council of different Gods. At the end of the day, while the tenet of the Trinity shows that ONE GOD is involved in three co-equal and co-eternal, the Babylonians and Assyrians trusted that the three separate Gods formed a superior leadership over other gods. In this, their convictions all the more nearly look like the polytheistic/henotheistic convictions of the Jehovah 's Witnesses and Mormons. Mormon principle holds that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate Gods in authority over this world. Jehovah 's Witnesses trust that Jehovah God made Jesus – a lesser god, and that the Holy Spirit is essentially Jehovah 's dynamic drive in this world. These convictions are nearer to the old pagan convictions than is the Trinity doctrine, which is entirely monotheistic. Similitudes don 't bestow blame. Thusly, comparable pagan doctrines in triads of Gods are not the same as the Trinitarian principle of Christianity, and it is outlandish to accept that the Trinity was "acquired" from paganism. It 's just not