Comparing Machiavelli And Lao Tzu

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For decades the search for ideal leader and ideal state has been an ongoing mission for many leaders and people as well. The philosophers such as Machiavelli and Lao Tzu had specific ideas for the leader to run and maintain a government the way where both him or her and citizens are happy. Therefore, the chief, in order to run the administration, he must govern the people in ways that they are barely aware of his presence and ruling. The people, when they forget their superior, “goodness and piety appear” (Machiavelli 25). Subjects living under such a government, turn to a higher supreme power, which they believe is responsible for their accomplishments, which creates religious devotion. Niccolo Machiavelli, in “The Qualities of the Prince,” …show more content…
Before a war takes place, the chief must “learn to know one’s own country and can better understand how to defend it; second, with the knowledge and experience of the terrain, one can easily comprehend the characteristics of any other terrain that it is necessary to explore for the first time” (Machiavelli 40). With the knowledge of an enemy’s environment, the leader has the ability to provide his troops with the most effective equipment to increase their chances of survival and locate them properly for battle. Although such an advantage is beneficial to a chief in war, why has the leader left his country? As stated by Lao-Tzu, “even though the next country is so close, the people are content to die of old age without ever having gone to see it” (33). If the country is intelligently ruled, neither the administrator nor his citizens would have any desire to travel because they are satisfied where they reside. Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, represents true colors of leadeship, proving that leader doesn’t have to be armed to gain power or respect from his or her people. “Politicians have to be commited to people in equal mesaures” (Angela Merkel,1). Therefore the goverment and people rights are …show more content…
In a country where there is thievery, there are plenty of other crimes occurring, which forces the government to hire additional police officers, resulting in higher taxes. Larger tariffs aggravate the people causing them to hate and possibly revolt against the government. Robberies and crimes are the results of overrating objects. Lao-Tzu said, “if you overvalue possession, people begin to steal” (24). One solution to this problem is communism. Communism is a classless political system in which properties and wealth are owned by all members of the society. In “Communism and Religion,” Brenda Duncombe says, “Communism not only evokes the intensity of feeling and devotion; it demands the surrender of everything man has. He must give his whole self, body and soul, to work for the cause. Everything else must go to the winds- money, position, good name, morals, all must be sacrificed” (Duncombe 155). Everyone working the same amount of time and receiving the same paycheck eliminates the thoughts of thievery and greed because everyone has the same opportunities as everyone else. As stated by Lao-Tzu, “throw away industry and profit, and there won‘t be any thieves”

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