In 1918 they successfully took power creating a one-party state and rename themselves the Russian Communist Party, additionally all businesses with 10 or more employees were taken by the government. Their success would soon resulted in Communist party creation around the globe, including the CPUSA in 1919. Although the creation of communist organizations around the world was a positive step, the Communist Party in Russia expected similar revolutions to begin just as Marx had predicted. This was not the case. Dealing with foreign occupation and civil war, the newly victorious Marxist-Communist Party did not have time to spread their influence. In 1921 ruined by internal conflict the Marxist government, proposed by Lenin, accepted the New Economic Policy. The NEP allowed for what was called “state capitalism” allowing individuals to own small businesses. Less than five years since their victory the Marxists were moving away from their goal of a communist society. In 1924, a year after the death of Lenin, Joseph Stalin obtained a position of leadership. Mongolia, in 1924, and Tuvan, in 1921, are the only …show more content…
Until 1975 the United States and the USSR would use proxy wars to try to spread as much influence as possible. However the United States was also at war with itself. Since the First Red Scare resulting in the 1920 Palmer Raids the US had been searching out the communist threat at home. The creation of the Smith Act, Alien Registration Act, The Internal Security Act, and The Communist Control Act were all that need to be mention to sum up McCarthyism. The United States Government used a communist threat to take control of the people. The materialistic middle-class became hysteric knowing someone near them, possibly even a friend, could be a threat to the American way of