The whole film revolves around the conflict theory. The boys struggling with poverty and gang violence, overcoming the reality of being bad as a team and finding a positive solution. Overcoming people saying racial slurs while at away games to try and get you to snap and get disqualified. Furthermore, viewing the team and its goals as something larger than themselves alone. This statement by Green states, “The social conflict view sees sport as a reflection of the inequalities in society and that it masks the true nature of the human condition. Sport serves as the "opium of the masses." Sport is seen as a social institution which the more powerful oppress, manipulate, coerce and exploit the less powerful.” (Green, 1998). This is relatable to Richmond High because the boys suffered from constant negative comments throughout the season because of what happened in the
The whole film revolves around the conflict theory. The boys struggling with poverty and gang violence, overcoming the reality of being bad as a team and finding a positive solution. Overcoming people saying racial slurs while at away games to try and get you to snap and get disqualified. Furthermore, viewing the team and its goals as something larger than themselves alone. This statement by Green states, “The social conflict view sees sport as a reflection of the inequalities in society and that it masks the true nature of the human condition. Sport serves as the "opium of the masses." Sport is seen as a social institution which the more powerful oppress, manipulate, coerce and exploit the less powerful.” (Green, 1998). This is relatable to Richmond High because the boys suffered from constant negative comments throughout the season because of what happened in the