This book, written and illustrated by Norman Bridwell and published in 1963, tells the story of a young Emily Elizabeth and her giant, lovable, dog Clifford. The setting takes place in Birdwell Island, where the characters spend time playing with friends and family. Clifford is described as a clumsy, gentle, lovable dog who enjoys caring for Emily Elizabeth and the Birdwell Island community. Norman Bridwell’s colorful and fictional illustrations contributed to my love for pets which helped spark my interest in reading. This book reflected my identity, because similar to Emily Elizabeth, I too had a strong adoration for my animals. I connected to the relationship Emily Elizabeth and Clifford had because of my relationship with my first …show more content…
The major aspects I have taken away from this assignment is how books can be both mirrors and windows. I also learned that many of the books I enjoyed during my childhood unknowingly reflected parts of my identity. I also learned the importance of children’s exposure to books that reflect their identities. When a child reads a book that mirrors their personalities and attributes they get more excited about reading and enjoy literature as a whole. As a future educator, I will make sure that my students have access to books that not only act as a window, but also act as mirror. This is vital for the success of my students in order to connect and reflect to literature and learn more about our