Christopher Columbus's Voyage To America During The Age Of Discovery

Decent Essays
Since the dawn of man kind humans have had the urge to learn, discover and explore. People have been exploring ever since the age of the dinosaur. In the earliest ages of man kind, it was a necessity for survival. Though as time passed and humans evolved it became less of a necessity and people started exploring more out of curiosity. In the past there were multiple believes on the shape of the Earth. One of the most oldest and most believed theories was that Earth was flat. It was such a vastly accepted believe it caused Christopher Columbus problems with assembling a crew for his now infamous voyage to America in 1492. Even through adversy Columbus succeeded in convincing his fellow crewmates to sail with him. After (kind of) sucsseding in his voyage, the believe that the Earth was a sphere became more mainstream. …show more content…
It was the first time in history humans had sailed around the world. This was one of the main events which happened in the so called Age of Exploration. During this era there was a drastic boom in explorers and expeditions. During this age most geographical discoveries where made. As time went and gone, more and more of the Earth surface was being explored. It is said that Earth was FULLY mapped around 1940s. Since Earth was almost fully mapped, humans started to take a interest in space. One of the first people to ever introduce the theory of space was

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