The author recognizes young children’s relationships with their parents and teachers are most important to their well-being. The author references a called filial therapy to train parents and teachers to interact more effectively with children of distress. Filial therapy is a form of play therapy in which caregivers and other significant adults in children’s lives are trained in the principles and procedures of CCPT to use with their own children or students (Landreth et al., 2009). The author stated, although parent involvement is not necessary to play therapy progress (Bratton et al., 2005), parents who are confused or unaware of their child’s involvement might withdraw consent for services. In addition, parent consultation allows the school psychologist to suggest parenting practices that might be more constructive for the child. It is significantly important for the counselor to communicate with the parent, to help ensure parental support for the child in play therapy, the school psychologist should meet with parents on a monthly …show more content…
It was extremely helpful for the article to list the different toy selection in the play room and a description of the type of play that is associated with the specific toys. The author expressed that children communicate their feelings and reactions more fully through their play, the toys and materials selected for play therapy are a significant therapeutic variable. The author recommended that the therapist have a tote bag of playroom items, taking into consideration that many school based therapist may be required to work in a variety of settings requiring mobility (Landreth, 2002). These items could include but not limited to real-life toys such as dolls that are bendable with soft bodies, doll house furniture, as well as doll’s family, nursing bottle, play dishes and cups, spoons, small car, small airplane, telephone, costume jewelry, medical kit, and bandaids. Acting-out or aggressive release toys, such as handcuffs, dart gun, aggressive hand puppet, and rubber knife. Toys for creative expression and emotional release, such as newsprint, blunt scissors, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, Play-Doh, hand puppets, masks, small sponge-type ball, bendable figures, scotch tape, nontoxic glue, egg cartons, and cotton rope. Also, if space allows, add an inflatable punching toy. I think it was