Brock Turner was only given six months in jail because, “I have also considered the fact that he was legally intoxicated at the time of the incident. Pursuant to the evidence at trial, this does affect judgment… And there is one character letter from Leslie Rasmussen...‘Brock has been a peer of mine since elementary school,’ and she talks about how she came to know him. And then she writes, [as read] ‘If I had to choose one kid I graduated with to be in the position Brock is, it would never have been him. I could name off five others that I wouldn’t be surprised about’” (Persky). Aaron Persky was the judge who decided the ruling. He gave Turner a light sentence because he was intoxicated at the time of the crime, and he had a friend, who just so happened to be a girl, who had never felt threatened by Brock Turner. This was essentially stating that because Brock Turner did not rape one girl, he did not mean to rape the other and would never do it again. The Brock Turner case is an example of rape culture. Rape culture is the justification or normalization of rape. Rape culture allows for people like Brock Turner get away with their heinous crimes. Every woman is affected by rape
Brock Turner was only given six months in jail because, “I have also considered the fact that he was legally intoxicated at the time of the incident. Pursuant to the evidence at trial, this does affect judgment… And there is one character letter from Leslie Rasmussen...‘Brock has been a peer of mine since elementary school,’ and she talks about how she came to know him. And then she writes, [as read] ‘If I had to choose one kid I graduated with to be in the position Brock is, it would never have been him. I could name off five others that I wouldn’t be surprised about’” (Persky). Aaron Persky was the judge who decided the ruling. He gave Turner a light sentence because he was intoxicated at the time of the crime, and he had a friend, who just so happened to be a girl, who had never felt threatened by Brock Turner. This was essentially stating that because Brock Turner did not rape one girl, he did not mean to rape the other and would never do it again. The Brock Turner case is an example of rape culture. Rape culture is the justification or normalization of rape. Rape culture allows for people like Brock Turner get away with their heinous crimes. Every woman is affected by rape