Hyperventilation is when someone is breathing in a quick manner.
Apnea vera is a pause in breathing that begins after hyperventilation.
The reason someone stops breathing after hyperventilating is because the body seeks to maintain a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, and if someone kept breathing after hyperventilating, than their oxygen …show more content…
The first one is when you inhale deeply in order to cough, and the second event is when you exhale multiples times while coughing. These are both done at great force, and all of these things modify the breathing cycle tremendously.
Modifications of the breathing cycle that occur when reading aloud are that you basically stop breathing. You stop breathing for a little while when you talk, and that is why when you talk too much, you need to stop and take a breath, because you cannot talk and take breaths at the same time. While you are talking, CO2 levels in the blood increase as you are not conducting any oxygen exchange while breathing.
All three subjects paused at the end of expiration. The pause is caused when the pressure in the lungs is equal to the atmospheric pressure. Inspiration starts when chemoreceptors sense there is a high amount of CO2 in the blood, which then tells the body to contract the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles to contract, which increases the volume of the thoracic cavity. Due to this increase in volume of the thoracic cavity, and decrease in pressure, the air will wants to move to an area where there is less pressure, which is inside your