Better Way Of Miami Case Study

Superior Essays
Better Way of Miami (BWOM) is a residential substance abuse treatment center that focuses on helping people reach sobriety and treat any mental health issues. The residents at BWOM attend 3-5 specialized open groups on a daily basis. None of the groups at this agency are “closed groups” due to the admission of new clients on a weekly basis. The group that will be observed will be their daily “Caseload treatment group”, and the duration is sixty minutes long. This group is usually separated into three smaller groups, and is facilitated by three counselors. Due to other factors, all three groups must be joined together. This group is a large group, containing thirty-five members including an intern, and the facilitator.
Group Structural Factors
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This room is a not connected to BWOM’s main building. Both the group members and the facilitator have to cross a patio area in order to reach this room. Due to the circumstances with the counselors, all three groups had to join together and create a larger group. This seemed to have bothered some of the clients, but others were fine with the temporary change. The Beth Lang room is a large area that is able to seat up to fifty people at a time. The space was adequate enough for the thirty-five group members, but the furniture is always limited to thirty-three chairs. Some members were observed bringing in chairs from other parts of the building to this group. This furniture limitation caused delays in the group’s …show more content…
This is an ethical issue that any facilitator of a group would have to be prepare for. According to the Code of Ethics from the National Association of Social Work (1993), we as social workers have a commitment to our clients, and their confidentiality. In groups, controlling and protecting this confidentiality standard may be difficult. It is important for the group facilitator to review this confidentiality component before the start of the group work. The International Association of Social Work with Groups recommends that confidentiality and boundaries be discussed at the beginning stage of the group, and right after the purpose of the group is shared and

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