Best Childhood Place

Decent Essays
The Best Childhood – Place: Canada, Time: Now
Although all children, no matter the era, are “constantly caught in a current of crap”, there are times and places it is better to be a child in. There is no perfect physical, social and individual condition of childhood but some are countries and eras are still further away than others. One of the best places to be a child in is here and now, in Canada during 2016.
Starting from the basic needs of food, shelter and health, Canada is one of the be st places to be a child in. Food banks, shelters and financial support systems are available for those without the means to provide basic needs for their children. So although not many of the child’s wants will be covered, basic needs definitely will be. Basic health care is available at a relatively low cost to all, so families with a lower income can still obtain the needed medical attention for their child. These three vital physical aspects of childhood are covered in modern Canada.
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The multi-cultured society grants every child a chance to experience a myriad of cultural outlets. Children also have the opportunity to ask for help in almost any situation such as school or home problems and receive it, a luxury an abundance of countries, especially third-world countries, do not have. The general Canadian society allows a child to completely be themselves without constant fear of discrimination due to their race, sex, country of origin, etc. Even as soon as birth, a child is usually cared for by its mother due to maternity leaves that are accepted and encouraged throughout the country. Basic education is also free in Canada. Every child is given the opportunity to learn and create a better future for themselves. Although Canada’s society is still far from a utopia, support and acceptance make a childhood’s social aspects much easier to grow up

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