In spite of the frightful reputation, a myriad of beautiful-bright colors engenders breeders and buyers to fall in love with ball pythons. In addition to the intriguing colors, ball pythons are the most docile snakes out of all the many different types of snakes. Though sometimes they can become finicky eaters, these snakes are easy to care for, as they do not need much attention as a dog does, from their owners, and can be a beginner’s pet for a child. As a snake breeder, exploring the topic in ball pythons will enable me to educate many people who have a phobia of snakes, and educate many people that are interested in owning a pet
In spite of the frightful reputation, a myriad of beautiful-bright colors engenders breeders and buyers to fall in love with ball pythons. In addition to the intriguing colors, ball pythons are the most docile snakes out of all the many different types of snakes. Though sometimes they can become finicky eaters, these snakes are easy to care for, as they do not need much attention as a dog does, from their owners, and can be a beginner’s pet for a child. As a snake breeder, exploring the topic in ball pythons will enable me to educate many people who have a phobia of snakes, and educate many people that are interested in owning a pet