For instance, failure to complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and have unhealthy personality and sense of self. However, these can be resolved successfully at a later time (Mcleod, 2013). At times, people are stuck in prior stages of development causing difficulty in coping (Hanley & Abell, 2002). Erikson’s first stage of human development trust versus mistrust stresses infantile experiences with others. A disturbance in relationships with parental figures results in loss of security. This manifests into adulthood where individuals mistrust others and withdrawal self which leads to depression (Hanley & Abell, 2002). With relating patient’s history, her essential psychosocial needs unmet due to living in a violent family, parents’ abandonment, and abuse for years. These led her to fail and struggle in earlier developmental stages such as mistrusting others, being unproductive in school, feeling inferior, confusion about her identity, and experiencing abusive relationships. Overall, through having sight of the current state of the patient’s depression it correlate with her unmet needs as a child and
For instance, failure to complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and have unhealthy personality and sense of self. However, these can be resolved successfully at a later time (Mcleod, 2013). At times, people are stuck in prior stages of development causing difficulty in coping (Hanley & Abell, 2002). Erikson’s first stage of human development trust versus mistrust stresses infantile experiences with others. A disturbance in relationships with parental figures results in loss of security. This manifests into adulthood where individuals mistrust others and withdrawal self which leads to depression (Hanley & Abell, 2002). With relating patient’s history, her essential psychosocial needs unmet due to living in a violent family, parents’ abandonment, and abuse for years. These led her to fail and struggle in earlier developmental stages such as mistrusting others, being unproductive in school, feeling inferior, confusion about her identity, and experiencing abusive relationships. Overall, through having sight of the current state of the patient’s depression it correlate with her unmet needs as a child and