Joseph Stella and some American modernist look back home to intuitive or native architecture of the real-world (practical) for example workshops, grain elevators and outbuildings to the artisanship of an early era of America. The art students from the Aschan schools had a traditional or conservative art style and painted portraits of New York close ups of the town life in its grit, down times and sometimes elegance period while the American modernist painted portraits of the shining, engineered world for example the industrial unit, bridges and the high-rise building. (Saccoccia, 2015)
Abstract Styles Joseph Stella was born in a city in Italy in 1877; he grow up in Europe and was an migrant in America. Joseph Stella and the modern art pictures was technologically advanced or developed in Europe in the middle of 1905 and1920. The American artists including Marsden Hatley and Georgia O’Keefee studied the new style and isms for example cubism, German Expression , Dadaism ,Surrealism and abstract and brought it back to the United States. (Ask Art,