He made many observations, one of which is his observation of how nutrition works in animals led him to conclude that in order for the food an animal eats to turn into bone, hair, flesh, and so forth, it must already contain all those constituents within it. He taught many people about what he believed in, which led him to be prosecuted. Some of these beliefs are that he believed that the world was flat and that there were many Earths like ours. Also, he taught that “everything has a natural explanation, the moon is not a good, but a great rock and the sun a hot rock.” He was arrested and sentenced to death, but with the help of his friend and a student of his he was able to escape and live till he was 82 in Lampsacus. We may not have known his education and training, but we do know how he educated the people of
He made many observations, one of which is his observation of how nutrition works in animals led him to conclude that in order for the food an animal eats to turn into bone, hair, flesh, and so forth, it must already contain all those constituents within it. He taught many people about what he believed in, which led him to be prosecuted. Some of these beliefs are that he believed that the world was flat and that there were many Earths like ours. Also, he taught that “everything has a natural explanation, the moon is not a good, but a great rock and the sun a hot rock.” He was arrested and sentenced to death, but with the help of his friend and a student of his he was able to escape and live till he was 82 in Lampsacus. We may not have known his education and training, but we do know how he educated the people of