Abitibi Canyon Short Story

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The short story “Abitibi Canyon” by Joseph Boyden consists of several important principles of Indigenous people that I would like to make connections in three different ways. The connections I have chosen are issues that I learned in school, hear of and personally encountered with. Making connections from prior knowledge deepens people’s understanding of problems that others may deal with on a daily base. In today’s society, it is human nature to judge others by their actions and appearance without realizing that they are doing so. For the past couple of weeks, I have been watching Tell My Story, Blind Date, which is a series of YouTube videos by SoulPancake that make videos of things that they think matter, and the specific video …show more content…
I do not think it is acceptable to be quick to judge a person you barely know. In addition, I felt personally insulted because instead of approaching me face to face, she gossiped behind my back. In a way, it was similar compared to the short story, how I was quite furious just how Mary, a parent of one of the Indigenous children, felt as the two white workers were giggled from a far pointing in the direction of the children. On the other hand, it was different because I did not confront Patricia, like how Mary did confront the white workers, which solved the problem and quite frankly, it something I regret not doing because Patricia would most likely still have the same mindset of me. When reading this passage, it was very powerful, making me feel emotional, the white workers were bitter when teasing the First Nation children and were basically bullies, especially when Darren called them retarded Indians. First of all, calling a people with mental handicap is terribly disrespectful and should not be made fun of, Secondly, in my opinion they used the wrong term to address Indigenous people, since the story takes place in Canada. The term, Indians can be offensive because Indians is a name given by a European settler, Christopher Columbus, when he landed in North America, but he thought he had reached India. Therefore, Indians is not a term that they chose to identify themselves as. Even though, this passage was bitter to read it reminds me how there are so many people that judge people over the things we do not control of? Often people do not think about how their words can negatively

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