FINDINGS………………………………………………………………………………………….3-6 FINDINGS’ GRAPHICS…………………………….…………………………………………………5-6
Hermann Rorschach Test is a psychological test which helps to research personality traits in detail. Consequently, it is a test which helps you to understand your psychology. Furthermore it is being used in determining psychological disorder. Because while you are telling what you see in the inkblot, actually you are telling about yourself. The test was determined by Hermann Rorschach in 1921, and it is still being used by psychologists. It is interesting …show more content…
Test subjects who don’t see two four-legged animals, can have mental defections.
Some good and common answers: Four-legged animals, lions, pigs, iguanas, tree, wolfs, butterfly, anatomy chart.
Bad/uncommon answers: Not seeing the four-legged animals, seeing a reflection.
Good answers that subjects have given: 35
Bad answers that subjects have given: 2
Features are in blurred form in card 9. There is a vagueness. It is claimed that paranoid persons are usually noticing the cloud distinctively.
Some good and common answers: Smog, fire, map, explosion, anatomy, human, flower.
Bad/uncommon answers: Mushroom cloud, monster, fighting man.
Good answers that subjects have given: 29
Bad answers that subjects have given: 8
The aim of the card 10 is to test subjects’ ability of organization. Test subjects are expected to notice the whole picture.
Some good and common answers: Sea life, microscope view, spider, crap, rabbit head.
Bad/uncommon answers: Grey mice, two faces at top centre blowing bubbles.
Good answers that subjects have given: …show more content…
This card is often indicates interpersonal closeness.’’ It was found that majority in our group have problems with interpersonal closeness.
-‘’ Card 7 is related with femininity, it is also called ‘The Mother Card’. Test subjects who see clouds can be anxious. Subjects who see a girl looking in a mirror can be narcissist.’’ I seemed that 3 of people in our group narcissist because they saw a girl looking in a mirror. Furthermore the majority see two girls or rabbit so no one is anxious.
-‘’ People often express relief and relax in card 8. Test subjects who don’t see two four-legged animals, can have mental defections.’’ Everyone in our test saw four-legged animal but not firstly. So, no one have mental defections. But no one expressed relief and relax. I don’t feel it either.
-‘’ Features are in blurred form in card 9. There is a vagueness. It is claimed that paranoid persons are usually noticing the cloud distinctively.’’ No one saw a cloud but some of them recognized a smoke. The majority sow an animal face. It seemed that in our group, no one is paranoid person.
-‘’ The aim of the card 10 is to test subjects’ ability of organization. Test subjects are expected to notice the whole picture.’’ The majority saw sea life so there is no problem with