Why We Shouldn T Cell Phones Be Banned In Schools

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Dear Mr.Mayers, Have you ever wondered how cell phones are actually used during class? North Eugene is thinking about banning cellphones from 7:30 to 3:15 but then they would be deprived from the amazing things cell phones can do. So North Eugene should not banned cell phones in school because they are a viable learning tool for school, in case of an emergency you can get ahold of your child, and bans just do not work.
Although it may be true that cell phone could contribute to lower test scores, they also have the potential to be a viable tool for learning if used properly. According to document 6 students with laptops had lower test scores than those who don’t because they were often not paying attention to their teachers. If the student
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Texting students took longer to perform simple tasks such as reading a written passage than those who don’t (Doc 6). If the child is texting their parent during class to assure them that they are safe, their test scores may suffer as their learning may too.Not every student owns a smartphone (Doc 6). Which is true if those parents don’t worry, why should other parents with kids that own smartphones. In case of an emergency the office may not be able to answer a call like in case of a fire the office phones are inside the burning building and everyone has evacuated or in case of a school shooting, students could text their parent that they are okay and tell them and the police what is going on inside the situation but the office could not answer the call in fear of giving up their location or angering the perpetrator. Let alone a lot of teenagers even adults don’t remember phone numbers anymore because our phones remember for us. Children’s lives are also enriched by the freedom to travel to a variety of extracurricular activities or social engagement without an adult chaperone (Doc 2). Which shows that if the child has a phone they can have more freedom and if the schools ban cell phone to where the student can’t even bring them to class, parents will feel worried that their child is in

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