Abortion In Ancient Rome

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Abortion is nothing new to our society today. It is very well known in the ancient culture as well. Abortion was well known in ancient Greece as well as ancient Rome. In ancient Greece, abortion had started in 322 B.C. by Aristotle but it was also used in Plate as well as the Hippocrates. Ancient Rome was using this procedure in 3 B.C. This procedure was used in Cicero, Dionysius Of Halicarnassus, Ovid, Seneca, Pliny the Elder, Musonius Rufus, Dioscorides, Dio Chrysostom, Plutarch, Juvenal, Suetonius, Favorinus, Soranus, Galen Of Pergamum, Papinian, Oribasius, and Justinian. Sadly, abortion is one of the most common medical procedures that happen to be performed in the U.S. The more average/ typical woman to get an abortion mostly happens …show more content…
Even though I would say abortion is bad, there are also some good things about abortion as well. Abortion can be the answer for a woman when nothing in her life goes right or goes the way it should. Abortion gives a woman “more time” to actually think about if they a want a child or not. For some women, it would be best for them to get an abortion due to the fact that they can’t manage their fertility or aren’t responsible or can’t even commit to anything.
There are four types of abortions that are used that are used for the first trimester. Methotrexate and Misoprostol (MTX) is a medical abortion procedure used up to the first seven weeks of pregnancy. This medication is not commonly used here in the United States. Mifepristone and Misoprostol is a medical procedure used up to the first seven to nine weeks of the pregnancy. Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) is a procedure used in the early stage of pregnancy around the 3 to 12 weeks since the last period. It is probably considered the most easiest abortion procedure and only uses a local anesthesia used on the cervix. Aspiration is the last abortion procedure which is a surgical abortion used to abort the pregnancy up to 16 weeks from the last period. It is sometimes also referred to as a suction curettage, dilation curettage, or vacuum
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There are at at least three alternatives to an abortion which are parenting, interim foster care, and adoption. Parenting may be one of the hardest things to do in life, but it 's a huge rewarding experience. Interim Foster Care can provide a short-term, loving, and caring home for a newborn. The time the newborn would stay there could be a few short hours or several months. The people that work at these foster cares are very skilled at caring for the babies. Adoption is one of the other alternatives to an abortion. Adoption is the legal transfer of all parental rights and responsibilities to another adult or adults. Most women have chosen adoption instead of abortion because they feel that it’s best for their children.
Almost all abortions take place because the child would be inconvenient, too expensive, or too much stress to cope with. In a 2004 survey of 1,209 American women at 11 major abortion clinics, the women had revealed that neither health problems, rape, incest, or coercion by family members or partners were the primary and not even the secondary reasons to get an

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